businessman reading the newspaper

MASSCAP Celebrates 60 Years of Community Action

Press Releases
WE ARE COMMUNITY ACTION! CACCI’s Caronanne Procaccini and Kelly Hewitt had an empowering day at the 60th Anniversary Celebration of Community Action Programs (CAP) with representation from all 23 Massachusetts...

CACCI Immigration Resource Center receives AGO Immigrant legal Services Grant!

Press Releases
BOSTON — Attorney General Andrea Joy Campbell has awarded $780,000 to 13 non-profit legal service organizations as part of her Immigrant Legal Services Grant Program. The grant recipients will receive...

Looking to give back? Here’s how to help families in need on Cape Cod this Thanksgiving

Press Releases
While you’re confirming plans and preparing table settings and menus for Thanksgiving, consider adding an extra turkey or gift card to your grocery list. A variety of organizations across the...

Pilot expansion of ConnectorCare reshapes affordability and plan options through the Health Connector

Press Releases
BOSTON – Today, the Massachusetts Health Connector Board of Directors approved regulatory changes that will expand access to the Marketplace’s landmark ConnectorCare program through a two-year pilot program, creating the...

The Path to Citizenship Goes Through Eastham

Press Releases
EASTHAM – At the library, immigrants study the Declaration of Independence and discuss the concept of home. On Tuesday evenings through June 6, Stephanie Souza is guiding groups of potential...

Cape Cod is a place of opportunity, better life for immigrants

Press Releases
“I found great economic prosperity” – Immigrants come to Cape for opportunity, better life Immigrants from all corners of the world immigrate to Cape Cod with hopes of opportunity and a...

‘Turkeys for Cape Codders’ Seeking Donations

Press Releases
HYANNIS – A local event that will provide Thanksgiving dinners to community members in need is seeking donations. Director of Client Self-Sufficiency at Community Action Committee of Cape Cod &...

CACCI’s Stephanie Souza speaks at art show opening reception at the Eastham Public Library.

Press Releases
Stephanie Souza from Community Action Committee of Cape Cod and Islands’ Immigration Resource Center spoke in Eastham at the Immigrant Photo Exhibit “The Bay State: A Multicultural Landscape, Photos of...

Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands and St. Mary’s Episcopal Church parishioners Distributed 200 turkeys and grocery gift cards for Thanksgiving

Press Releases
It’s been 13 years since St. Mary’s began partnering with CACCI to make sure CACCI’s clients and others in need were provided a turkey and all the fixings for their...

Massachusetts Health Connector to Provide New Additional Financial Help

Press Releases
Extended enrollment to run through July 23 to maximize opportunity for residents to gain access to new premium support March 23, 2021 – The Massachusetts Health Connector will be able...