Selecting the child care program that is right for your child is an important decision.
Child Care Network is here to help you make an educated child care choice whether you are a brand new parent or a family needing after school care. Services are available to families of all income levels.
Additional information about Child Care Program Quality Indicators can be found at Child Care Aware of America Choosing Quality Child Care or EEC Choosing Child Care.
For a search of child care providers in Massachusetts cities and towns outside of CCN’s area, you can go to MASS2-1-1 or the Department of Early Education and Care.
Special Need/Disability for Parent/Guardian
Special Need/Disability for Child
Special Need/Disability for Parent/Guardian Renewal Cover Letter

Finding Child Care
Child Care Network maintains a database of all legally operating early education programs in its communities. CCN will search our database and generate a list of child care providers that meet your needs. CCN does not recommend particular providers. We will assist you in identifying quality indicators in early education programs. Families are encouraged to contact the Department of Early Education and Care, the state licensing agency, for a program’s compliance history.

Paying for Child Care
The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care provides financial assistance to eligible families seeking help with child care costs. Families must meet income and service need requirements to qualify. Learn more about the income eligibility guidelines.
More About Child Care Subsidy (Vouchers)
Families enter the state subsidy (called a voucher) system through a few avenues. They may be referred by another agency such as DTA (Department of Transitional Assistance) or DCF (Department of Children and Families). Or, they may be contacted after applying to the state Income Eligible waitlist. Families will meet with Child Care Network staff, review their documents (as needed), confirm their eligibility, and receive a voucher valid for up to one year.
Child Care Network staff will have a family complete documents depending upon the family’s situation such as whether the adult is self-employed. At this link you will find forms that may be used during eligibility assessment. Families will get the documents from Child Care Network when scheduling an appointment. Or, families can contact CCN for assistance. Appointments cannot be completed, and vouchers cannot be issued, if documents are missing or incomplete.